Please contact Annie Meier to make an enquiry about availability and pricing.
mobile: 07949974853
Rentals for St Edward’s Cottage are predominantly done on a weekly basis from Friday to Friday. However, we are open to discuss bookings of a shorter or longer duration. Weekly booking costs range from £550 to £1800
St Edward's has also been selected as a 'Special Escape' as part of the Sawday's collection. If you wish to take a look at up-to-date availability you can get an idea on Airbnb by clicking on the link below:
The Contract for a short-term holiday rental will be between the Owner of St Edward’s Cottage (referred to as “us” or “we”) and the person making the booking and all members of the holiday party (referred to as “you” or “your”) in the following booking conditions. UK law will govern the Contract. The contract of hire is not effective until we have processed the deposit and issued written confirmation of the booking. The contract will be subject to these booking conditions, and must be complied with. Notice can be served for breach of this agreement.
A written confirmation of booking (by email or letter) and 25% non-refundable deposit are required in order to book St Edward’s Cottage. The balance of the rental will be due for payment 6 weeks prior to the holiday commencement date and we reserve the right to cancel a holiday where payment has not been received by this date. If the booking is made within 6 weeks of the holiday start date the full rental will be required.
Cancellations must be immediately notified to us by phone and confirmed in writing. The booking deposit is non-refundable under any circumstances. If your cancellation falls within 6 weeks of your arrival date the full rental will be payable.
If for any reason we have to cancel your booking in advance due to circumstances beyond our control for example fire, flood, exceptional weather conditions, epidemics, destruction/damage to the property (“force majeure“) you will be refunded the full amount of the booking. If we have to terminate your holiday early for the above reasons you will be refunded part of the booking fee based on the time remaining of the booking. No additional compensation, expenses or costs will be payable.
You should not arrive before 4pm on the commencement date, and leave by 10am on the day of departure. Failure to do so will result in you being charged a further day’s rental. You must not use the property except for the purpose of a holiday during the holiday period, and not for any other purpose or longer period. The agreement to stay in the property for the holiday period, does not create the relationship of Landlord and Tenant between the parties. You shall not be entitled to a new tenancy, or to any assured short hold or assured tenancy or any statutory protection under the Housing Act 1988 or other statutory security of tenure now or at the end of the Holiday Period.
Under no circumstances may more than the maximum number of persons (9) stated in the brochure and the web site occupy the property. We reserve the right to refuse admittance if this condition is not observed.
The use of the accommodation and amenities at St Edward’s Cottage is entirely at the users risk and no liability can be accepted for death, injury & loss or damage to users or their belongings. No responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage to belongings or vehicles. This is your responsibility at all times.
You are responsible for the property and are expected to take all reasonable care of its furniture, pictures, fittings and effects, in or on the property. You must leave them in the same state of repair, and in the same clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period as at the beginning. You must not use the properties for any dangerous, offensive, noxious, noisy, immoral activities or carry on there any act that may be a nuisance or annoyance to the owner or other neighbouring properties. Smoking is not permitted in the house.
You are legally bound to reimburse us for replacement, repair or extra cleaning costs on demand. If you lose a key we will replace it upon you paying for the cutting of a new one. We will require a cheque in advance of your arrival for £200 which will be refunded in full on confirmation that there are no such costs.
We do not accept pets.
We shall be allowed the right of entry to the property at all reasonable times for purposes of inspection or to carry out any necessary repairs or maintenance.
Every effort has been made to ensure that you have an enjoyable stay. However, if you have any problem or cause for complaint, it is essential that you contact us immediately to give us the chance to resolve it. We value your custom and want you to return